Monday 15 September 2014

Risk Assessment -

Hazard -
Who may be harmed?
The band members/director
What may be damaged?
The people involved, equipment e.g. camera, guitars, microphones etc.
Risk Rating/10 -
What can you do to help prevent this risk?
Ensure that any tripping hazards e.g. wires, guitar stands, instrument cases etc. are moved to a safe place and are away from both the director and the band members.
Hazard -
Who may be harmed?
Director, band members, other civilians.
What may be damaged?
People, instruments, camera, buildings etc.
Risk Rating/10 -

What can you do to help prevent this risk?
Ensure that any flammable items are removed from the building or placed out of harms way, ensure that items such as cigarettes are disposed of safely.
Hazard -
Damaging Equipment
Who may be harmed?
Band members, director.
What may be damaged?
Instruments, camera, tripod etc.
Risk Rating/10 -
What can you do to help prevent this risk -
Ensure that all bend members are using the instruments in the correct way. When finished with instruments place them in a safe and secure spot, to reduce the risk of them falling or being broken. Also, ensure that all filming equipment is used in the correct way. When finished with filming equipment, store in the correct place to reduce the risk of camera etc. being damaged.
Hazard -
Burns from the lights
Who may be harmed?
Band members, Director.
What may be damaged?
Band members and directors skin/overall well being.

Risk Rating/10?
What can you do to help prevent this risk?
Ensure that lights are not too hot or bright, and that regular brakes are taken, to avoid overexposing band members and director to lights.

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